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Service Charges - Service Provider Information & Obligations

Posted on 16 March 2015

In late 2014, Barritel communicated to all current customers their obligation to display service charge information with their 084, 087 and 09 numbers. Please visit the UK Calling website for further information.

Barritel are now writing to confirm your service charge(s).

From June 2015, Service Providers (those who provide 084, 087 and 09 numbers for customers to call) must include the relevant service charge(s) cost in any advertising or promotion of 084, 087 and 09 numbers.

For example: “Calls cost 20p per minute plus your network access charge.”
In this example, the service charge for the cost of calling the number is 20p per minute.

Your obligation as a Service Provider is to ensure that your organisation clearly displays the service charge(s) where applicable.

To find out your service charge(s) for the number(s) that Barritel host for your organisation, please visit our service charges page here.

For clarification on advertising and promotions, please visit the CAP (Committee of Advertising Practice) website for information about the types of marketing materials you will need to update.